
This is actually a practice blog of mine! Just trying out HTML and new stuff here!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Totally loved the stuff i got today in Taka!
Becky & i met in the morning & when we took the bus there, i nearly slipped or fell?? while standing along that bar thingy like 3 or 4 times! & when there were available seats, we sat & went through the f.p we got each other.
& I seriously got some rubbish!
Plus my box was sooo damaged!
Mainly thanks to 2 ppl & getting it squashed insie my bag.
So i came home with it utterly tattered and all.
Anyway, i loved the stuffed toys & beaned bags there!
Couldn't buy the winnie the pooh pillow & bolster (how immature =.=) cause the cashier person may juz give me a bigger bag which will be waay embarrassing!
We went to several places like twice, e.g Kinokuniya!
The 2nd time we went there & got out, i saw the security guard looking at us like we were mad.
But the part where becky carried lots of bags & actually STRUGGLING with 'em and the mistaken-for-ice-blended-instead-of-a-choco-brownie part was funny.
Ok,maybe not when she wasted more $$!
& when we met mdm yeow (is tat how her name's spelled?), she was filling up her basket full of plastics!
FMI, look at becky's blog!
Met shimin & nana.
They looked at us with the big Takashimaya bags & thought we were mad!
What's their problem??
So happy i got wonderful stuff!
& actually spent 3 quarters of my 40 bucks!


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